Measurements [American]
- 12 eggs
- 1360 g sugar
- 1360 g flour, sifted
- grated rind of 5 lemons rinds
- 3/4 tsp potssium carbonate
- 3 to 4 tsp anise seed.
- Either:
- rum
- arak (improves the dough)
Beat the eggs, and lemon rinds until very foamy, add the sugar as the mixing continues. Paddle beat in the flour with the potash.
Be sure the dough is no longer sticky. Roll out the dough to approximately 3/8 inch, either with a Springerle rolling pin, or with a standard pin, then use the wooden forms available in some kitchen supply houses. Separate them and place side by side on an air cookie sheet. Allow to dry overnight.
Next day, bake at 175 degrees C for 10 - 15 minutes. DO NOT ALLOW TO BROWN!
Mother made these every year as I grew up. She worked in her early years in America as pastry cook in Country Clubs, that my father, who was a chef, trained in Germany, managed after 1930 throughout the country.
Even when I moved away to pursue my own life, she was sure to send me these cookies every Christmas. They are to be "dunked" in coffee and are addictive!