2007: Memories
When the web started, some wonderful Advent calendars appeared. Web designer Leslie Harpold made the best calendar: every day, she wrote a memory, added a special treat like her own flash animation or recipe, and linked to an outside web side. This year, I'm using the same format.
2008: Disasters
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...
And that means trying new recipes, and new recipes mean opportunities for disaster, hopefully of the "we'll look back on this and laugh ... someday" variety.
2009: Confessions
I love to eat. I love to bake. If I didn't hate spending $30 for dinner more than I hate cooking, we'd eat a lot of take-out.
2010: Baking tips
All my baking wisdom in one ... er ... twenty-four places!

2012: Christmas books
My favorite books about Christmas, from cookbooks to sociology and history to my own childhood favorites.

2013: Cookbooks
The two dozen cookbooks I go back to year after year.
2014: Inheritance
In 2014, my mother died very unexpectedly in mid-June. In December, I wrote about the amazing person who most shaped the person I am today.
2015: Cocktails
With a little help from my friends, we move to a lighter and tastier subject.

2017: Cocktails 2
2015 was so much fun, we did it again in 2017.

2019: Reminiscing
More delightful stories of Christmases past.

2021: Favorite things
Just a few of my favorite things, like books, cats, and Philadelphia.