When we were small "what's your favorite color" was the standard get-to-know-you question on the playground. The answers were pretty easy: the three primary colors (red, yellow, blue), three secondary (orange, green, purple), and pink (only if you were a girl).
Black only becomes an option during the teen years. I had a relative who loved brown; not autumnal colors, or earth colors, just brown, perhaps with some tan. To this day, even after accepting earth tones, brown holds no charm for me.
As a wee child, my favorite color was Mom's favorite color: yellow. (Ask me about my frilly gingham yellow bedroom decor from Sears.) As a teen it was blue (less frill, still Sears). As an adult, favorite color went by the wayside.
Then the kid was born, and favorite colors were a topic of conversation again. When first asked again what it was, I had to really think, because I like so many colors now (although still not brown). Intense colors are my favorites; earth tones have a place in my style; autumn colors can be rich and elegant as any other colors; red is is my go-to for accessories to keep from dressing in monocrome white-grey-black.
But the best colors, the always-make-me-happy ones, are any shades of blue-greens: teal, peacock, turquoise, aqua, aquamarine, cobalt, sea green, lime.
These are one of the few cookies I decorate, coloring the dough and adding sprinkles and dragees. My decorating is prosaic: green trees with multi-colored dragees, red "poinsettia" spirals, and blue camels.
![A collage of tea bag wrappers in shades of deep blue, through kelly green, to a chartreuse yellow.](/images/600w/Blue-green%20teabag%20wrappers.jpg)
This collection of colorful tea-bag wrappers lived on my desk at the office; I would look at them during they day for a bit of joy.