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Since Thanksgiving, I've been working on what will be a big, longish project: updating the Advent calendar. It no longer links just to a recipe. Instead, each day offers a Christmas memory, a recipe, and a nifty link.
And yes, I did use Leslie Harpold's format for this.
I'm slowly realizing the insane amount of work I've set out for myself. Insane when you think I spend 5:00 to 5:30 getting my son from daycare, 5:30 to 7:00 cooking and eating dinner, then 7:00 to 8:30 getting my son ready and into bed.
If you have any cool holiday links, e-mail them to me at the address below. This will stop the panic attack that come from looking at my list of potential good links.
Well, I need to bake something, and we need to get the tangible Advent calendars out of storage.